Welcome to Normal Township

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Check out the solar array recently installed on our senior center ARC's roof through the Illinois Solar For All Program!


Normal Township is accepting 2024 Monetary Grant from non-profit community organizations whose work aligns with the Township’s mission to serve the Elderly, Youth and Economically Disadvantaged. If your organization wishes to apply the request must be filed with the Township by October 11, No grant will exceed $10,000. 


Request for a grant should include the following items.:


1.     Name of the organization, address, primary contact for grant application

2.     Organization Mission Statement

3.     Legal form of entity and a copy of the IRS Certificate of IRS Tax Exempt status.

4.     Names and information of your organization’s officers and directors.

5.     An explanation of how the funding benefits Normal Township Residents. In addition, provide the number of people served in prior years and the number expected this year.

6.     Please provide the age group that you will be benefitting,

7.     A copy of your complete budget and how those funds are spent. Including percentage of administrative cost.

8.     Organizational chart showing number of licensed employees, non-licensed employees, and volunteers.

9.     A complete list of all other sources of income received from this request.

10.   An outline of how the program will sustain itself after grant funds are used or grant is denied.

11.   Organization to provide the Township a summary of success/failure of the program by September 30, 2025. This includes financial expenditures and the number of people served.

12.   Copy of Organization Policy on Discrimination.

13.   What is the amount being requested by your organization and will accept less?

14.   Do you follow the Prevailing Wage?



Please send application materials by email or via USPS to:




Jess Ray

Normal Township

304 E Mulberry Normal, IL 61761

Normal Township is looking for a Facilities Manager.  The posting is available on Indeed.