Board Meeting Information:

The monthly board meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:15 AM at Normal Township Hall at 304 E Mulberry in Normal. The Annual Meeting is held at Normal Township’s Activity & Recreation Center (ARC) at 600 E Willow in Normal. All meetings are open to the public per the Open Meetings Act.

If observing the meeting virtually is preferred, please see Agenda for information on how to attend the meeting remotely. 

Public comments may be submitted in advance of the meeting by emailing Township Clerk Dayna Schickedanz at or by calling Township Supervisor Jess Ray’s office at 309-452-2060. There will also be a public comment period during the meeting that you may participate in live.

Approved Meeting Dates:


Thursday, March 21, 2024Monthly Board Meeting8:15 A.M.
Tuesday, April 9, 2024Annual Town Meeting7:00 P.M.
Thursday, April 18, 2024Budget Hearings &
Monthly Board Meeting
8:15 A.M.
Thursday, May 16, 2024Monthly Board Meeting8:15 A.M.
Thursday, June 13, 2024Monthly Board Meeting8:15 A.M.
Thursday, July 18, 2024Monthly Board Meeting8:15 A.M.
Thursday, August 15, 2024Monthly Board Meeting8:15 A.M.
Thursday, September 19, 2024Monthly Board Meeting8:15 A.M.
Thursday, October 17, 2024Monthly Board Meeting8:15 A.M.
Thursday, November 14, 2024Monthly Board Meeting8:15 A.M.
Thursday, December 19, 2024Monthly Board Meeting8:15 A.M.
Thursday, January 16, 2025Monthly Board Meeting8:15 A.M.
Thursday, February 20, 2025Monthly Board Meeting8:15 A.M.
Tuesday, March 20, 2025Monthly Board Meeting8:15 A.M.

Normal Township Senior Advisory Committee:

The Normal Township Senior Advisory Committee was created by the Normal Township Board on February 10, 1993 as a five-member committee to advise the Board of Trustees on the expenditure and use of the Senior Citizen Tax Funds. The initial five members were appointed at the April 14, 1993 township board meeting, and the committee met for the first time on May 20, 1993. The committee now includes nine members and is called the Normal Township ARC Advisory Board, in recognition of Normal Township’s Activity and Recreation Center (ARC), an active center for those age 55+. The volunteers are appointed to 3-year terms. Use to email the group with any senior related questions or concerns. All of the committee meetings are open to the public and offer an opportunity for public comment on the agenda. To see current appointees, agendas, minutes, and a meeting schedule, click here.