Types of Assessments
There are many types of assessments you may see while browsing property with our site. Here are some short explanations of those assessments.
The full assessment is the value of the property for full given year. If the assessment is pro-rated then this value will not reflect the actual assessment for a year.
Township (TWP)
This is the assessment that the Township Assessor has placed on the property for a given year.
Supervisor of Assessments (S/A)
This is the assessment that the Supervisor of assessments has placed on the property for a given year, possibly but rarely overidding the Township assessment.
Supervisor of Assessments with Multiplier (SA/E)
This is the value of a property given by the Supervisor of Assessments multiplied by any Township multiplier.
Board of Review (B/R)
This is the assessment that the Board of Review has placed on the property for a given year, possibly overidding either the Township assessment or the Supervisor’s assessment.
Equalized Assessed Value (EAV)
This is the value of a property given by the Board of Review multiplied by any County Multiplier. Typically this County Multiplier is 1, and hence this assessment will be the same as the Board of Review assessment.
PTAB and C of E
These assessment types are very rarely used by Normal Township.